Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 11

Sore as hell today. 186.6.

Pic -

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 10

Going to follow Mr. Waterbury's advice and give working out 5 times a week a shot (he postulates that your body will recover in as much time as you give it, within reason of course). Headed to UCLA and Wooden for some lifts. Since yesterday was a bit light (didn't want to injure myself so I stopped with the pain on my right side), I feel today will be a good day to try and get a second strong lift in.

Morning weight was 187. I have to say, I'm surprised at how fast I've been dropping weight. I I didn't expect it to be so linear, especially since my cardio is weak and I haven't been adhering to my diet perfectly. It's been a gradual transition from 4.5k calories, still eating at least 5 meals a day and decently healthy, the worst I've eaten was a Jersey Mike's cold cut and a beer, but I haven't been on the chicken and salmon regime completely yet.

Day 10 pic -

Edit: Just got back from UCLA. Lifts -

Bench -
8x135 warm up, 5x185, 3x205, 3x225, 2x235

Deads -
8x135 warm up, 3x180, 3x225, 3x270, 1x 315 + 1 failed rep

Squats -
8x185 warm up, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315, 3x315, 8x225

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 9

Ran (pathetically) today, light interval work. Lifts were good and strong until I hurt myself (arm, but not badly).

Clean & Jerk
5x135 Warm up, 3x155, 3x165, 3x165, 1x175 fail

Front squats
5x135 warm up, 3x185, 3x195, 3x205, 3x215, 2x225

Few pullups / chinups, that's when my arm started giving me enough pain to stop so I went upstairs to ice it.

Morning weight was 187.6. Day 9 pic -

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blood work 3/19/09

All in mg/dl

GLU=154 (I just had a coke...)

Day 8

No run (blaming inclement weather, I know I'm lazy). 188.6 post breakfast.

Pic -

Day 7

Week one is over, four pounds down total (189).

Lifts -
Flat Bench
8x135, 4x135, 3x185, 3x205, 3x215, 3x225, 1x235 + 1 fail

5x185, 3x215, 3x235, 3x255, 3x275, 3x285

5x135, 3x205, 3x225, 3x245

Pic -

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 6

No run today either (I know, I'm being lazy, but the burning factory in Pomona really messed up the air here). Big day tomorrow. Weight - 189.6 today.

Day 6 pic -