Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cut cut cut

Mar 15, 2009 -
Beginning my cutting / lean phase now. I've been bulking up with Nick over the past 5/6 weeks and have picked up just about 15 pounds (from 179 to 195). I was going to continue and try to gain a full 20 pounds (as per my bet with Nick), but eating 4500-5000 calories a day is taxing on both my body and wallet.

I started the bulking phase at about 11% body fat, and I'm probably around 13-14% now. My single rep maxes are as follows:

Bench - 245
Squat - 315
Deadlift - 309

I probably could have squeaked more out of squats and deads, but I'm limited by how much weight I own and I refuse to pay sports authority a dollar per pound of weight!

My goal is to trim down to about 7-8% BF while losing as little strength and lean mass as possible, so I'll add interval training along with maintaining my same weight lifting program. My caloric intake will be cut dramatically, reducing it to about 1700 calories a day on lift days and closer to 1500 on training days.

Here are my starting measurements -

Waist (hips) – 34”

Waist (naval) – 34 ½”

Chest (nipple)

Left bicep – 15”

Right bicep – 15 ¼”

Left forearm – 12 ¼”

Right forearm – 12 1/8”

Left thigh – 23 ½”

Right thigh – 23 ½”

Left calve 15”

Right calve – 15”

Weight - 195

Height – 5’11” and a half (yea, I fight for that half inch)

And lastly, here's my starting photo.

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